Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Arthur, August 8, 2007

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I've never had much use for people who leave notes on my door, there was this fellow in the Navy, not on the ship, mind you, you couldn’t get away with kind of nonsense at sea, he was a petty officer third class I believe, I was only a seaman at the time, this was in one of the stateside ports, Portsmouth probably, but this fellow, we were always finding notes from him on doors, stuck there with thumbtacks, nobody ever saw him coming or going, how the hell did he do it we used to wonder. And the other guy, this was years later, at the store, after the Groeschlers had sold the business, sure I hoped the new owners would let me run the store by myself, and eventually it did work out that way, but right after the sale, this kid from Indianapolis, a college kid, he'd taken a course in efficiency or some damn thing like that, of course he didn't know shit about the lumber business, he made us all line our desks up in a row, and we all had to get inboxes and outboxes, every damn salesman had to put an inbox on the left front corner of his desk and an outbox on the right front corner of the desk, do you get the picture, can you imagine a lumber salesman with a desk like that, I gotta tell you, one thing about the Navy, it gives you a damn good preparation for putting up with guys like that, not that there's any comparison between keeping your ordnance in a nice tight pattern when the shit is flying all around you and making sure that your inbox is exactly one inch from the left front corner of your desk, so your college-kid boss can drop off purchase orders without looking you in the eye, no comparison at all, except that in both cases, you just say Yes Sir and you do it, and if you're lucky you survive. At least for a while it seems lucky, surviving one thing and then another, although my wife made it very clear that she was the lucky one, the one to go first, she didn't want to be a widow, not at all, she didn't think much of surviving for survival's sake, unless she was just saying that to make me feel better, though how it would make me feel better I don't know, telling someone they are unlucky for being alive, no consolation there, still it hasn't been that bad, living without her, I've still got my health, except for forgetting a few things and not keeping the old house clean enough for my daughter's standards, good riddance to that place, my social life, if you know what I mean, it's been much livelier here, I never thought I'd put on a pair of hip waders again in my life, and the apartment itself is alright, a pretty good place to live, except that I can't understand why that new case worker needs to leave so many notes on my door.